Saturday, June 1, 2013

Time Difference

I do not like
being at the mercy of telephone rings,
counting them, knowing after enough of them,
I will not speak to him before sleep.
There is a time difference.

Even though I have not a speck of an idea what it is
that I am doing with him, seeing as how he lives 
1,500 miles away in a town I ran
1,500 miles away from,
I call.

At times, growing in regularity, I find myself reaching
for the towel of relief.
Relief from the ravaging of my brain for an answer
that is buried in a small crevasse in my heart,
which knows exactly what it is I am doing with him.

That small crevasse has a small stream, where there 
was once a canyon, and before it became dry,
it was filled with waves of youthful whims, 
the current of which was strong enough and 
far reaching enough, to have once carried me 
from Kansas City to Chicago.

People tend to dry out when exposed to already parched hearts,
and mine has nearly dried in my pursuit of a solitude.
I found it.

But there is a small fissure in my heart
and in it a dying stream,
and sometimes he fills a bucket 
and pours himself into that stream,
and I for him.

That stream,
it knows the answer
but I do not.

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